Monday, June 29, 2015

Goals, Habits, and Allies

Now: Meet with and discuss hours with supervisor, maintain professional and amicable relationships with people at work, learn the layout of the workplace.

Long Term: Know if want to continue in the field of healthcare or go to medical school, get a letter of recommendation from supervisor, make professional connections that can be used in the future.

Now: Show up prepared to work, ask questions when doesn't understand something, always puts in 100% effort into tasks at work, dedicated to any challenge or task faced with.

Long Term: Show up to work on time every day, bring a positive attitude to internship no matter what task is assigned, be personable and  friendly to co-workers, treat everyone with respect.

Now: Have supervisors trust me to complete tasks on my own, make friends with co-workers, make a good and professional first impression on supervisor and co-workers.

Long Term: Network with doctors and supervisors and make connections that will be helpful further down the line, be comfortable with supervisors and co-workers, be somebody else's ally, be seen as an equal.


  1. Your goals and habits are achievable and great. Also, you have great allies and you seem to know where you're headed. Great job!

  2. keep your head in the game. have a game plan!
