Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Blog #1: Goals, Habits, and Allies

Short and Long-Term Goals

My short-term goals are to graduate from high school on a strong note. I would like to be accepted into Claremont McKenna College, and hopefully, since my older brother graduated from there, that background will allow me to get accepted. In CMC, I would like to continue my running career by becoming a member of the Women's CMS Cross Country and Track&Field team. In addition to running in college, I would like to pursue a double major, by majoring in Biology, Math, and, possibly, English Literature.

A long-term of goal would be to graduate from college, hopefully from CMC, and to take the mandatory year-off, and research more about medical school. This is necessary if I want to become a Pediatric Physician! I would continue running, apply for a job (for med. school), and begin studying the MCAT! Living in a simple home will be enough, as long as I have resources available to me in order to achieve my goals. Looking for more hospital experience will be necessary, so I would volunteer in a local hospital.


I have several positive habits that keep me motivated throughout the academic career! Every day of the week, I follow the same routine. I go to school, go to XC and T&F practice, and then go home. Once I am home, I start my homework, have dinner, and resume my homework, and I keep doing it until I'm done. I enjoy reading, writing, and other academic endeavors. I never procrastinate! My family is extremely influential when it comes to this.

would like to develop several habits that can be further attributed to my success in the future. I would like to find more opportunities to expand my social behaviors and skills. Hopefully these experiences will remedy my tendency to be quiet and reserved! I would like to develop these throughout high school and college.


Now, I have several Allies that I can depend on. My older brother, Luigi, has been an amazing ally, and he has been extremely helpful to me in terms of school and social activities. He will always be a valuable ally. Another ally is Ms. Grillo, the woman in charge of the Career Center at NHS. She has known my family for years and I can always depend on her for help. I can also depend on Ms. Sue Sommer, my Eng 10H teacher, as well as Mr. Jon Dick, who has been a family friend, and my AP Bio teacher. These allies will always help to direct me when I need help.

Allies I would like to have on my side include my future professors in college, and my principal at NHS. I would also like to befriend my future AP teachers (AP Lang, APUSH, and AP Spanish), and they hopefully provide me with recommendations.


  1. The AP Lang teacher at NHS is a great ally for me as well I'd say

  2. I'm impressed that you don't really procrastinate! I believe procrastination is definitely something most people struggle with. I know I do! Keep it up!

  3. Claremont Mckenna is a really great college! I'm sure Mr. Dick would be glad to write you a recommendation letter relating to your future major of biology.

  4. Claremont Mckenna is a really great college! I'm sure Mr. Dick would be glad to write you a recommendation letter relating to your future major of biology.
