Friday, July 3, 2015

Blog Post #2: Work Readiness Skills


1. Tolerant and Respectful:
I meet a lot of doctors as an intern at Marin General Hospital.  Every week I meet about three doctors and get to know them.  Having the chance to watch them work and get to know them definitely builds the respect I have for them.  Just the other day I had gone to do rounds with a doctor who had to deal with a family who was not being compliant with the procedures of the hospital.  The family couldn't grasp the idea that certain doctors cannot just drop everything that they are doing (for example: surgery) to come look at a patient because the family demands it.  It takes a lot of patience to interact with those families and I respect doctors who have the strength to be tolerant of the situations.

2.  Dedication:
I don't have to do this internship. Honestly I can be going out with my friends every single day instead of going to the hospital to look at sick people.  A lot of people may say that it's a dreadful way to spend summer vacation, but to me it is incredibly gratifying. A doctor told me the exact thing yesterday. He recognized my dedication and hearing this made me happy.  He said that dedicated people are the people he wanted to see walk/work around the hospital. I don't feel the hours at the hospital because I do have fun interning there. Sometimes I do feel like the six hours are too short. I guess that's again because I enjoy being there.


1. Communication:  
On one of the days I was interning, I had forgotten that I had class that morning.  It had slipped my mind that I couldn't make it to MGH at 10am because I would be in class at that time. I texted one of the nurses that I wouldn't be able to make it. He had told me that this was okay and I showed up the next day immediately after class. The other nurses at the hospital were not informed of why I couldn't arrive at 10am and I felt really bad that they didn't know.  It would have probably helped if I emailed the nurse in charge so that everything would have been clearer.


  1. Wow your blog is great. It is good to be in a place that you enjoy. Hope you continuously have fun at your internship. Keep up your determination. :)

  2. Great blog! I think that it is very cool that you get to meet so many doctors each week and learn what they do for a living. I think that your dedication to the internship is great and the fact that you took charge of your summer and decided that you want to get to know a career path is great. Communication can always be worked on, it is very hard for me too. But that skill will get better over time. Just try your hardest!

  3. Communication is actually a strength of mine. Just keep talking to your coworkers, you'll get the hang of it eventually. It is a very rewarding skill to have. Good luck!

  4. Well done! your blog is very thorough.
