Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Goals, Habits, and Allies

I. Goals
Short Term:
During my last summer and year as a high school student I want to meet, and quite possibly surpass, most of my freshman year expectations. At the top of my "to do" list I want to graduate high school and be accepted into the college that best fits who I have become. Whether this place is Yale, UC San Diego, or College of Marin, my goal is to understand myself so intrinsically well that it will be easy to predict the environment suitable for the next chapter of my life. Additionally I want to do so well in my internship that they request I stay during the fall semester.

Long Term:
The following is absolutely idealistic in many ways. After I graduate college in either chemistry and/or materials sciences with lots of laboratory and/or clinical experience, I want to be accepted into a medical school. For the next nine or so years I will specialize in interventional radiology. If I do not become a doctor and instead choose to go down the academic pathway, then I want to receive a PhD in immunology from UCSF. Both immunology and interventional radiology have been implicated with therapeutic treatments for cancer. If I have money I first want to send my mother on a trip back to Korea to thank her for everything that she has done for me. I want to travel the world and learn its history and see for myself where history took place (i.e. Berlin). I also want to one day be finally fluent in ASL and maintain my basic grasp on French.

II. Habits
Some of my good habits are being dedicated and enthusiastic about every assignment that I am given, appearing and conveying professionalism, and getting things done. I hope to one day go to sleep at a respectable time (at least before 11), to work on completing my assignments with limited procrastination, and to develop my communication skills so that it is easier to convey my ideas.

III. Allies
My biggest ally is my mom, but I also have a few in Mr. Davison, my piano teacher, my chemistry teacher, and a close family friend who works in engineering. In the future I hope to gain more allies in my college professors, internship supervisors, and any coworkers at the hospitals and labs I wish to work at.


  1. UCSF is the graduate school that I want to attend too. Great choice.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It is great that you have really clear and specific long term goals because it gives you a purpose in life. I like how you hope to develop the habit of going to bed before 11 because it something that a lot of students need to work on and it affects your life a lot.

  4. I hope you do achieve your goals this year! Medical school is also one of my goals, and you really seem dedicated. I hope you resolve your sleeping arrangements!

  5. You have amazing goals, I hope you are able to reach them, best of luck!
