Sunday, July 12, 2015

Blog #3 - Option #1: After High School

Blog #3

After finishing I want to go to college to achieve my dream of going into the medical field. I have always known that I wanted to become a doctor but have only recently thought of what type of doctor I wanted to be. Although I am interested in all types of science, I have become very curious about the brain and all that it does, which is why I want to major in neuroscience in college. I know that I will need much more than just a bachelor's degree but I believe that it will set me on the right path.

1. Neurosurgeon: 
As a neurosurgeon, one deals with some of the most complex organs, the brain and the spinal cord.

  • For a neurosurgeon, the salary depends on whether one is working in a big hospital or if one has a private practice. On average a neurosurgeon's salary is about $391,433. Geography don't matter much unless it is linked to the place the neurosurgeon is working at.
  • Personality - detailed, patient, dedicated, competitive, hardworking, passionate, willing to learn, clever
  • There is no end to the amount of education that a neurosurgeon needs as they must keep learning new things throughout their career as a neurosurgeon. Neurosurgeons start with getting a Bachelor's Degree and then must attend Medical school for 4 years. After that they must complete a hospital internship for one year followed by a 6 to 8 year neurosurgical residency. Then they need to become State licensed and Board certified and their license has to constantly be renewed as they learn new info.

2. Neuropsychologist
A neuropsychologists work with the behavioral side of neurology. They deal with people whose behavior is being affected due to brain disease or illness.

  • A neuropsychologist's staring salary is $77,500 to $80,700 and increases depending on experience and expertise. Geography does not come into play.
  • Personality - sympathetic, patient, hardworking, diligent, attention to detail, understanding, calm
  • Education takes up to 10 years starting with 4 years for a Bachelor's Degree, 2 years for a Master's degree, and 2 to 4 years for a PHD or PsyD.

3. Cognitive Neuroscientist
A cognitive neuroscientist researches our brain's involvement in our cognitive functions by monitoring a person's brain using special equipment.

  • The average salary of a cognitive neuroscientist depends not on geography but on the type of workplace. For example,in biological institutes the average salary is $71,310, in educational institutes the average is $50,200, and in pharmaceutical companies the average is $74,670.
  • Personality - diligent, hardworking, intelligent, assertive, independent
  • Education also takes a long time because cognitive neuroscientists must have a Bachelor's Degree, a Master's Degree, and a PHD or PsyD, all of which takes about 8 to 10 years to complete.


  1. The brain is certainly a fascinating organ! The careers that you talked about in the neuroscience field all sound very interesting. If you have the personality traits that you described and the willingness to go through the amount of schooling required, neuroscience sounds like a great path for you to go down. Good luck!

  2. Neurology is certainly an interesting part of science. I also want to be a doctor and I am thinking about neurology as a possible study. Good luck!
