Friday, July 24, 2015

Blog #5

I am very grateful for all of my experiences this summer in order to get ready for my future. I feel much more aware of what I need to do for the future I want.

I learned a lot from this career readiness class. I learned how to make a resume, cover letter, fill out a job application, make my own website, and how to use LinkedIn. I also got to research about the type of schooling I will need in order to achieve the career I want. That was one of the most important parts of this class. I now understand what I need to in school in order to become the type of nurse I want to be. I also found out a lot about my personality and work habits. I learned that I work well with people and that i would rather fit in than stand out. It was useful to create a plan for my life and figuring out when I should achieve goals in my life and find something to look forward to. I now understand what my future should be like and what to do with my life.

My internship was a great experience. I got to help with rooming patients, stocking rooms, and working on patients with my advisor. I didn't even know that ostomy and wound care existed until I started this internship. It was hard at first because I didn't know what I was getting myself into, but after the first week it became really interesting. Although I don't think I will become a wound/ostomy nurse, I now know what it is like to work with patients, what it is like to work in medical offices and what certain products do to certain wounds. I learned a lot from this internship and it has really opened my eyes to the medical field and what it will be like to work in it one day.


  1. I think it's great that you learned so much from both the class and the internship. It's really important to know what career to follow up on after high school and the fact that you knocked that one off the list while attending this class is really good. Congratulations.

  2. While it is always a bummer to be exposed to something you thought you'd be really passionate about and then it just not happening (me with surgery), I think it is really cool that you got to have such a hands-on experience in wound care/ostomy. You sound really focused and passionate about becoming a nurse and I admire that. Hope you reach your goals and figure out the specialty that clicks with you!
