Thursday, July 9, 2015

Blog Post #3: After High School

When I go to college, I want to major in Biology because it is a per-requisite for attending medical school.

1. Podiatrist - A doctor of podiatric medicine (DPM). Podiatrists diagnose and treat conditions of the foot, ankle, and related structures of the leg.
  • Average Gross Annual Salary: $182,375  Michigan is the Highest paying state, Utah is the lowest paying. (In US)
  • Education: 4 year bachelors degree. 4 years Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM). 3 year residency.
  • Personalities: They need to communicate effectively, which requires strong listening and speaking skills, attention to detail, initiative, persistence, concern for other, self control, leadership, adaptability, flexibility, social orientation, dependability, analytical thinking, independence.

2. Anesthesiology - Anesthesiologists are physicians specializing in perioperative care, development of an anesthetic plan, and the administration of anesthetics. 
  • Average Gross Annual Salary: $348,840  Ohio is the highest paying state, Puerto Rico is the lowest paying. (In US)
  • Education: 4 year bachelor's degree. 4 year medical school, professional degree as an M.D. (Doctorate of Medicine) or D.O. (Doctorate of Osteopathic Medicine). 4 year residency, 1 year fellowship.
  • Personalities: Integrity, attention to detail, precision, honesty, initiative, persistence, concern for other, self control, leadership, adaptability, flexibility, dependability, independence.

3. Spots Medicine Physician - Prescribes treatments for professional and amateur athletes who have become injured.
  • Average Gross Annual Salary: $206,332  Minnesota is the highest paying state and Puerto Rico lowest paying. (In US)
  • Education: 4 year bachelor’s degree in pre-med. Obtain either M.D or D.O at 4 year medical school. 3-5 year residency, 2 year fellowship.
  • Personalities: Love for sports, sympathetic, integrity, persistence, concern for other, self control, adaptability, flexibility, social orientation, dependability.


  1. Anesthesiologists attend a lot more schooling than I thought. Good research!

  2. seems like these jobs require lots of learning and experience in order to become extremely successful in their position!
