Friday, July 10, 2015

Blog #3: Possible Majors and jobs

                                                                    Blog #3

I definitely want to go to college. In college I would like to study a large variety of sciences, but I would like to specifically major in Anatomy and Physiology. I already know that I would like to go to medical school after going to a 4 year college somewhere on the east coast. I have always been fascinated about the science of the human body, and the many diseases that affect us in our everyday lives, and how we can help. I love to help people.

1. Anesthesiologist
An Anesthesiologist is absolutely crucial to surgery in general. An Anesthesiologist is in charge of all medicine and anesthesia given to a patient during surgery. There job is extremely demanding because even a little bit too much anesthesia can greatly harm the patient. This job is very demanding and there is no room for mistakes.

  • The salary greatly depends on where the anesthesiologist is living and at what hospital they decide to work. However, in the U.S., the average annual salary is $300,000. Also, the better that they get at there job, the more they will get payed. 
  • Personality: Extremely detail oriented, calm, flexible, independent, smart. 
  • The educational path in order to become an Anesthesiologist is very long. 4 years undergrad, 4 years med school, and 3 years of residency. 

2. Surgeon
Becoming a surgeon is one of the most difficult things to become. It takes extreme dedication and work ethic. However, the rewarding result is amazing. Surgeons save people everyday, and there are many different types of surgeons.

  • The annual salary for a surgeon in the United States depends on the company/organization you work for as well as the surgeons speciality. The average salary is around $351,792 in the U.S.
  • The educational path for becoming a surgeon is very long and often turns away many people. It requires 4 years undergrad, 4 years of med school, 5-7 years of residency in a hospital, and a one year fellowship. 
  • Personality: Thorough, attention to detail, competitive, assertive, sympathetic. 

3. Diagnostician
Diagnosticians can not be found at every hospital, however they are a very important part to a hospital. Diagnosticians take patients who are extremely ill with no identified cause for there symptoms, and they do everything in there power to rule out diseases and find what is causing their symptoms.

  • The salary of a Diagnostician greatly depends on the hospital they are working at or whether or not they have their on practice. Diagnosticians also usually work in teams in order to bounce ideas off each other because the specialty requires a lot of thinking outside the box. However, the average annual salary is around $100,000 in the U.S.
  • The educational path for becoming a diagnostician is not as long as that of a Surgeon or Anesthesiologist. It requires 4 years of undergrad, 4 years of med school, and 1 or 2 years of residency.
  • Personality: Ability to think outside of the box, logical, competitive, attentive, assertive, thorough. 


  1. Wow you have a lot of good, key information in your blog. I also learned two different jobs from your blog anesthesiologist and diagnostician. That was exciting to read.

  2. Anatomy and physiology are really interesting courses! I love learning about the human body, and it was interesting to read about the professions you chose to research.

  3. I really like how your blog is so organized and how all of the information you included goes really in depth on the subject. I especially like your summary of each job under the title because it's cool to see how they're actually used in a hospital as well as what they do and what it takes to be in that profession.
