Saturday, July 25, 2015

Blog #5: Grateful

My experiences in my internship and the things I have learned in the Career academy have been extremely valuable.
I am grateful for the practical answers that the Career Academy gave to me. I now know how to search for what qualities a job is looking for and how to incorporate those qualities into a cover letter. I also feel much more confident in my future education and financial state after completing the assignments that had us research our future plans. Before this class, I was aware of the average income of people in my planned profession, but I only hoped that would be enough to cover my future costs (my parents said it wouldn't be, so I was really worried, but they were considering the cost of living in Marin with a family of four).
I am extremely grateful for the experiences I received in Novato Community hospital. Not only was I surrounded by extremely kind and caring professionals, but I was able to see the inner workings of a hospital environment. After a few weeks of working there, I am surprised at how well I was able to work independently without being told what to do by my supervisor.
I am most grateful for my experiences with the patients in the hospital. Before my internship, the greatest obstacle I faced in my plans on pursuing clinical dietetics was my fear and hatred of working with people, which is why I leaned more toward research and food science. Now that I have had the experience of working with patients, I have learned how kind and interesting most of them are. Though I did have a couple of difficult patients, the majority were unbelievably kind and appreciative. I am mostly encouraged by the happiness one particularly ill patient displayed after being promised a milkshake every day.


  1. This is good you know what you did and didn't do.

  2. Good job! I agree with a lot you said and it is good that you understand what you are greatful for.
